Norgate Data Norgate Data

Norgate Data Updater Watchlist Library

Searching for Watchlist candidates
Watchlists from text files
Watchlists to text files


The "Watchlist Library" feature in NDU allows users to generate and store watchlists for use in supported charting/analysis applications. It can also be used as a search tool to discover securities and security types in the Database with the aid of filters. To use the Library as a search tool, start by clicking either "Create Dynamic" or "Create Static". When finished, simply click "Exit" without saving the search results.

There are three types of Watchlists:

A Dynamic Watchlist contains items that meet a certain criteria (for instance, membership of a stock market index). As the index constituents change, so the watchlist changes. Dynamic watchlists are updated automatically so that the items always correspond to the defined criteria. The Library provides a number of Dynamic watchlists by default. These pre-defined lists cannot be modified (although they can be removed).

A Static Watchlist contains items that are user-selected. A Static watchlist only ever changes when the user decides to add or delete items. A Static watchlist might contain stocks that represent "My Current Holdings".

A Combined Watchlist allows the user to combine any two (or more) existing Static or Dynamic lists in creative ways. For instance, a Combined can simply add together the contents of two existing watchlists (a "Union") or delineate the contents that they have in common (an "Intersection"). A Combined can also exclude the contents of a smaller watchlist from a larger.

Searching for Watchlist candidates

The interface for creating watchlists represents the Database in the form of an expandable tree. Once a branch of the tree is selected, various filters relevant to that branch are revealed so as to allow precise definition of criteria.

Tutorial 1

This screen recording shows the creation of a Static Watchlist holding gold-related items. There is a search for ASX listed ETFs that have "gold" in their name followed by the addition of the cash gold price in Australian dollars.

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Tutorial 2

This recording shows how to modify an existing Static Watchlist called "My Portfolio".

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Tutorial 3

This recording shows the creation of a Dynamic Watchlist that always contains the currently-listed E-mini S&P 500 futures contracts.

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Tutorial 4

This recording shows the creation of a Dynamic Watchlist according to the following criteria:

"Nasdaq or NYSE-listed operating/holding companies with a US domicile where the stock was first listed within the last month".

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Tutorial 5

This recording shows the creation of a simple Combined Watchlist that holds the S&P 500 index stocks that don't qualify for inclusion in the S&P 500 ESG Index.

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Tutorial 6

This recording shows the creation of a complex Combined Watchlist. The user has a Static watchlist to hold "Stocks of interest" but doesn't want to be interested if a stock is too small (outside of the S&P 500) or too big (inside the Dow 30).

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Watchlists from text files

You can create a Static watchlist by importing the contents from a text file. Open the Watchlist Library and click the "Import" command to launch the Norgate Data Import wizard.

Note: Import only works for current stock exchange tickers. Tickers that can't be matched to symbols in the Database are ignored.

The text file should only contain tickers and not any other information. If necessary, prepare the text file by removing all other information.

The text file can have the tickers listed vertically or horizontally. If horizontally, the tickers need to be comma separated, as shown below:




Watchlists to text files

Existing watchlists are available as exported text files in the NDU database folder under the \Configuration\Watchlists\txt sub-folder. To check the location of the NDU database folder, open NDU and click on Settings > Database Location.

Note: You can't successfully edit an existing watchlist by editing the exported text file. Editing a watchlist can only be done via the Watchlist Library interface.