Norgate Data Norgate Data

Norgate Data - Accessibility

Norgate Data works in association with particular 3rd-party analysis applications and platforms by way of plugins or APIs (Application Programming Interfaces). Some of these plugins are developed and supported by us and others by the 3rd-party.

All Norgate Data supported plugins provide access to historical index constituent information for key indices such as the S&P 500. This allows back-testing on a consistent universe of stocks over time and the avoidance of "survivorship bias". Note: a stock market subscription at a level that includes delisted securities is required.

Plugins created by 3rd-party vendors may not provide access to all of the content available in the Norgate Data database (their applications may not be able to accommodate it or they may only require price & volume data).

Norgate Supported Plugins

Python (Windows)
Zipline (Windows)

3rd-party Supported Plugins

EdgeRater PRO
Share Trade Tracker
System Trader

Export to other formats

NDU allows export of historical price & volume data (but not other data features) in ASCII format and the MetaStock "Legacy" format.

3rd-party Supported Plugins

(applications where the plugin to Norgate Data has been created by the application vendor)


CandleScanner is a charting package that automatically detects Japanese candle patterns and allows you to scan and backtest against these patterns.

CandleScanner has three versions with more sophistication at each level. The ability to backtest begins at the second level (Standard).

Its plugin to Norgate Data offers access to historical price data but not yet to higher-level data features.

CandleScanner is developed and supported by Jacek Lempart.

A fully functional 14-day free trial is available.

EdgeRater PRO

EdgerRater PRO is an application for Backtesting, Trade Signals, Market Analysis and Statistics. For information please visit

A fully functional 14-day free trial is available.


QuantumX is an application for research, backtesting, and execution of multiple non-correlated systems developed by Trading Mastery School - Laurens Bensdorp and Alexei Rudometkin. The software is only available to TMS students, or as a customized version for hedge funds and family offices. It is not available for separate retail purchase. For information on the software/training program please visit


RealTest is an application for backtesting multi-strategy portfolio-level trading systems. It uses its own scripting language and includes the ability to reference historical index constituents.

RealTest is developed and supported by Marsten Parker. Marsten is featured in the book Unknown Market Wizards by Jack D. Schwager.

A fully-functional 30-day free trial is available.

Share Trade Tracker

Share Trade Tracker is an "Add in" for Microsoft Excel that provides portfolio management solutions.

Share Trade Tracker (STT) was originally developed and supported by XL Automation. In late 2020 it was purchased by The Chartist exclusively for use by clients of their Trading System Mentor Course.

Note: To use STT in association with Norgate Data, make sure that NDU is open.

Special note for Norgate Data subscribers to AU Stocks:
XL Automation developed its plugin for Norgate Data after we released version in October 2019. This release made the ".au" country suffix permanent for Australian stock market symbols. If you are a longer term subscriber, your Norgate Data database may not employ the ".au" suffix, which means that ASX symbols won't integrate seamlessly into STT.

If you intend to use STT with AU Stocks, check NDU to see whether the symbols have the ".au" suffix, which you can do via Tools > Data Viewer. If not, you can send us a request to have the suffix added.


Stator AFM (Advanced Finance Management) is an extensible portfolio management program that also offers charting. Its plugin to Norgate Data provides access to historical price data (but not to other data features).

The software is offered in 4 versions from Lite through to Platinum with more sophistication at each level. The ability to use historical data begins at the second level (Standard). The Lite version only incorporates latest prices.

Stator is developed and supported by Anfield Capital.

A fully functional 30-day free trial is available.

System Trader

System Trader is a tool that allows you to build and backtest a portfolio.

Its plugin to Norgate Data offers access to historical price data and index constituents, with access to other capabilities planned in the future.

System Trader is developed and supported by Jacek Lempart.


TuringTrader is an open-source back-testing engine written in C#, but usable with any .NET language.

TuringTrader is not a stand-alone application - the engine is designed for incorporation into your own C# programs.

Its plugin to Norgate Data offers access to historical price data and index constituents.

TuringTrader is developed and supported by Bertram Solutions.


XLQ is an "Add-in" for Microsoft Excel that provides a direct link between sources of financial data and Excel.

The ability to link the Norgate Data database and Excel is only available in "XLQ2" and not in earlier versions of the Add-in.

XLQ2 is developed and supported by QMatix.

If you wish to run a trial of XLQ2 you may request a 3 week temporary license by emailing