Norgate Data Norgate Data

Fundamental Data Field Definitions

Free Cash Flow [a1fcf]

This value is calculated from the most recent annual Statement of Cash Flows. It is calculated as Cash From Operations minus Capital Expenditures and Dividends Paid.

Asset turnover [aastturn]

This value is calculated as the Total Revenues for the most recent year divided by the Average Total Assets. The Average Total Assets is the average of the Total Assets at the beginning and end of the year. NOTE: This ratio is Not Meaningful (NM) for Banks and Insurance companies.

EPS Basic excluding extraordinary items [abepsxclxo]

This is the Adjusted Income Available to Common Stockholders for the most recent fiscal year divided by the most recent fiscal year's Basic Weighted Average Shares Outstanding.

Book value (total equity) per Share [abvps]

This is defined as total shareholders' equity divided by the Shares Outstanding at the end of the most recent fiscal year. Book Value is the total shareholders' equity excluding minority interests.

Cash Flow per Share [acfshr]

This is Cash Flow for the most recent fiscal year divided by the Average Shares Outstanding for the same period. Cash Flow is defined as the sum of Income After Taxes minus Preferred Dividends and General Partner Distributions plus Depreciation, Depletion and Amortization.

Cash per Share [acshps]

This is the Total Cash plus Short Term Investments divided by the Shares Outstanding at the end of the most recent fiscal year. NOTE: This does NOT include cash equivalents that may be reported under long term assets.

Current ratio [acurratio]

This is the ratio of Total Current Assets for the most recent fiscal year divided by Total Current Liabilities for the same period. NOTE: This item is Not Available (NA) for Banks, Insurance companies and other companies that do not distinguish between current and long term assets and liabilities.

Ordinary Dividend Per Share, 5 year average [adiv5yavg]

This is the average of the Annual Dividends Per Share for the last 5 years.

Ordinary Dividend per Share [adivshr]

This is the Dividend Per Share amount paid by the company for the most recent fiscal year.

EBITDA [aebitd]

EBITDA is EBIT for the most recent fiscal year plus the same period's Depreciation and Amortization expenses (from the Statement of Cash Flows). NOTE: This item is only available for Industrial and Utility companies.


Also known as Pretax Income or Earnings Before Taxes, is Total Revenue for the most recent fiscal year minus Total Expenses plus Non-operating Income and Expenses for the same period.

Earnings before taxes Normalized [aebtnorm]

This is the Income Before Tax number excluding the impact of all unusual/one-time/special charges items for the most recent annual period.

EPS including extraordinary items [aepsinclxo]

This is the Adjusted Income Available to Common Stockholders for the most recent fiscal year plus Discontinued Operations, Extraordinary Items, and Cumulative Effect of Accounting Changes for the same period divided by the most recent fiscal year's Diluted Weighted Average Shares Outstanding.

EPS Normalized [aepsnorm]

This is the Normalized Income Available to Common Stockholders for the most recent anual period divided by the same period's Diluted Weighted Average Shares Outstanding.

EPS excluding extraordinary items [aepsxclxor]

This is the Adjusted Income Available to Common Stockholders for the most recent fiscal year divided by the most recent fiscal year's Diluted Weighted Average Shares Outstanding.

Gross Margin [agrosmgn]

This value measures the percent of revenue left after paying all direct production expenses. It is calculated as annual Total Revenue minus annual Cost of Goods Sold divided by annual Total Revenue and multiplied by 100. NOTE: This item is only available for Industrial and Utility companies.

Net Interest coverage [aintcov]

Also known as Times Interest Earned, this is the ratio of Earnings Before Interest and Taxes for the most recent year divided by the Interest Expense for the same period. NOTE: This item is not meaningful for Banks and Insurance companies.

Inventory turnover [ainvturn]

This value measures how quickly the Inventory is sold. It is defined as Cost of Goods Sold for the most recent fiscal year divided by Average Inventory. Average Inventory is the average of the Inventory at the beginning and end of the year. NOTE: This value is Not Meaningful (NM) for Banks and Insurance companies.

LT debt/equity [altd2eq]

This ratio is the Total Long Term Debt for the most recent fiscal year divided by Total Shareholder Equity for the same period.

Net Income available to common [aniac]

This is the annual dollar amount accruing to common shareholders for dividends and retained earnings. Income Available to Common Shareholders is calculated as annual Income After Taxes plus Minority Interest and Equity in Affiliates plus Preferred Dividends, General Partner Distributions and US GAAP Adjustments. NOTE: Any adjustment that is negative (ie. Preferred Stock Dividends) would be subtracted from Income After Taxes.

Net Income Available to Common, Normalized [aniacnorm]

This is the annual dollar amount accruing to common shareholders for dividends and retained earnings excluding the impact of all unusual/one-time/special charges items.

Net Income/employee [aniperemp]

This value is the Income After Taxes for the most recent fiscal year divided by the number of employees at the end of the last reported fiscal year.

Net Profit Margin % [anpmgnpct]

Also known as Return on Sales, this value is the Income After Taxes for the most recent fiscal year divided by Total Revenue for the same period and is expressed as a percentage.

Operating margin [aopmgnpct]

This value measures the percent of revenues remaining after paying all operating expenses. It is calculated as annual Operating Income divided by annual Total Revenue, multiplied by 100. Operating Income is defined as Total Revenue minus Total Operating Expenses.

Payout ratio [apayratio]

This ratio is the percentage of the Primary/Basic Earnings Per Share Excluding Extraordinary Items paid to common stockholders in the form of cash dividends during the most recent fiscal year.

Price to sales, most recent fiscal year [apr2rev]

This is the current Price divided by the Sales Per Share for the most recent fiscal year.

Price to Tangible Book, most recent fiscal year [apr2tanbk]

This is the Current Price divided by the latest annual Tangible Book Value Per Share. Tangible Book Value Per Share is defined as Book Value minus Goodwill and Intangible Assets divided by the Shares Outstanding at the end of the fiscal period.

Price to Free Cash Flow per Share, most recent fiscal year [aprfcfps]

This is the current Price divided by the annual Free Cash Flow Per Share. Free Cash Flow is calculated from the Statement of Cash Flows as Cash From Operations minus Capital Expenditures and Dividends Paid.

Price to Book, most recent fiscal year [aprice2bk]

This is the Current Price divided by the latest annual Book Value Per Share.

Pretax margin [aptmgnpct]

This value represents Income Before Taxes for the most recent fiscal year expressed as a percent of Total Revenue for the most recent fiscal year.

Quick ratio [aquickrati]

The Quick Ratio, also known as the Acid Test Ratio, is defined as Total Current Assets minus Total Inventory for the most recent fiscal year divided by Total Current Liabilities for the same period. NOTE: This item is Not Available (NA) for Banks, Insurance companies and other companies that do not distinguish between current and long term assets and liabilities.

Receivables turnover [arecturn]

This is the ratio of Total Revenue for the most recent fiscal year divided by Average Accounts Receivables. Average Receivables is the average of the Accounts Receivables at the beginning and end of the year. NOTE: This item is Not Meaningful (NM) for Banks.

Revenue [arev]

This is the sum of all sales reported for all operating divisions for the most recent fiscal year.

Revenue/employee [arevperemp]

This value is the Total Sales for the most recent year divided by the average number of Employees for the most recent fiscal year.

Revenue per Share [arevps]

This value is the Total Revenue for the most recent fiscal year divided by the Average Diluted Shares Outstanding for the same period.

Return on average assets, 5 year average [aroa5yavg]

This value is calculated by first determining the annual Return on Assets for each of the 5 most recent fiscal years and then averaging the resulting values. The Return on Assets is the annual Income After Taxes divided by the Average Total Assets, expressed as a percentage.

Return on average assets [aroapct]

This value is calculated as the Income After Taxes for the most recent fiscal year divided by the Average Total Assets, expressed as a percentage. Average Total Assets is the average of the Total Assets at the beginning and the end of the year.

Return on average equity, 5 year average [aroe5yavg]

This value is calculated by first determining the annual Return on Average Common Equity for each of the 5 most recent fiscal years and then averaging the resulting values. The Return on Common Equity is the annual Income After Taxes divided by the average Common Equity, expressed as a percentage.

Return on average equity [aroepct]

This value is calculated as the Income Available to Common Stockholders for the most recent fiscal year divided by the Average Common Equity and is expressed as a percentage. Average Common Equity is the average of the Common Equity at the beginning and the end of the year.

Return on investment [aroipct]

This value is the annual Income After Taxes divided by the average Total Long Term Debt, Other Long Term Liabilities, and Shareholders Equity, expressed as a percentage.

Book value (tangible) per Share [atanbvps]

This is the annual Tangible Book Value divided by the Shares Outstanding at the end of the most recent fiscal year. Tangible Book Value is the Book Value minus Goodwill and Intangible Assets for the same period.

Total debt/total equity [atotd2eq]

This ratio is Total Debt for the most recent fiscal year divided by Total Shareholder Equity for the same period. NOTE: This is Not Meaningful (NM) for banks.

Beta, compared to major market index [beta]

Beta is a measure of a company's common stock price volatility relative to the market. Refinitiv Beta is the slope of the 60 month regression line of the percentage price change of the stock relative to the percentage price change of the local index. Beta values are not calculated if less than 40 months of pricing is available.

Book value per Share growth rate, 5 year CAGR [bvtrendgr]

This growth rate is the compound annual growth rate of Book Value Per Share over the last 5 years. If the ratio can not be calculated, a 'NA' (Not Available) code will be used.

Capital Spending growth rate, 5 year CAGR [csptrendgr]

This is the compound annual growth rate of Capital Spending over the last 5 years. Capital Spending is the sum of the Capital Expenditure items found on the Statement of Cash Flows.

Ordinary Dividend growth rate, 3 year CAGR [divgrpct]

The Dividend Growth Rate is the compound annual growth rate in dividends per share. DIVGR% is calculated for 3 years whenever 4 years of dividends are available.

Current Dividend Yield, trailing 12 months [divyield_curttm]

This value is the current percentage dividend yield calculated as the fully diluted Dividends per share to which common shareholders were entitled for the trailing twelve months divided by the current Price Close, multiplied by 100.

Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation & Amortization, 5 Year CAGR [ebitda_ayr5cagr]

This is the compound annual growth rate of EBITDA over the last 5 years. EBITDA is EBIT plus Depreciation and Amortization expenses This item is reported only for Industrial and Utility companies. NOTE: If the value for either the most recent year or the oldest year is zero or negative, the growth rate cannot be calculated, a 'NA' (Not Available) code will be used.

Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation & Amortization, 5 Year TTM CAGR [ebitda_ttmy5cagr]

This growth rate is the compound annual growth rate of EBITDA over the last 5 years based upon trailing twelve month data. NOTE: If the value for either the most recent year or the oldest year is zero or negative, the growth rate cannot be calculated, a 'NA' (Not Available) code will be used. NOTE: This value is only available for Industrial and Utility companies.

EPS Change %, most recent quarter 1 year ago [epschngyr]

This value is calculated as the most recent interim period EPS minus the EPS for the same interim period 1 year ago divided by the EPS for the same interim period one year ago, multiplied by 100. NOTE: EPS must be positive for both periods. If either EPS value is negative, the result in Not Meaningful (NM).

EPS growth rate, 3 year CAGR [epsgrpct]

The Earnings Per Share Growth Rate is the compound annual growth rate of Earnings Per Share Excluding Extraordinary Items and Discontinued Operations. If the most recent fiscal year earnings per share value is negative, the result is Not Meaningful. EPSGR% is calculated for 3 years whenever 4 years of earnings are available and positive. If the required 4 years are not available for any given company, the result is a NM (Not Meaningful) or a NA (Not Available) depending on the condition.

EPS growth rate, 5 year CAGR [epstrendgr]

This growth rate is the compound annual growth rate of Earnings Per Share Excluding Extraordinary Items and Discontinued Operations over the last 5 years. NOTE: If the value for either the most recent year or the oldest year is zero or negative, the growth rate cannot be calculated and a 'NA' (Not Available) code will be used.

Current Enterprise Value/Free Cash Flow, most recent fiscal year [ev2fcf_cura]

This is the Current Enterprise Value divided by the Free Cash Flow for the last fiscal year. Current Enterprise Value represents Current Market Capitalization minus Cash and Equivalents plus Total Debt, Minority Interest and Preferred Stock for the last fiscal year. Current Market Capitalization is calculated as Current Total Shares Outstanding multiply on Latest Price Close. Free Cash Flow represents Cash Flow minus Capital Expenditures and Total Cash Dividends Paid. NOTE: This item is reported only for Industrial and Utility companies.

Current Enterprise value/Free Cash Flow, trailing 12 months [ev2fcf_curttm]

This is the Current Enterprise Value divided by the Free Cash Flow for the most recent trailing twelve months period. Current Enterprise Value represents Current Market Capitalization minus Cash and Equivalents plus Total Debt, Minority Interest and Preferred Stock for the last fiscal interim. Current Market Capitalization is calculated as Current Total Shares Outstanding multiply on Latest Price Close. Free Cash Flow represents Cash Flow minus Capital Expenditures and Total Cash Dividends Paid. NOTE: This item is reported only for Industrial and Utility companies.

Free Operating Cash Flow growth rate, 5 Year CAGR [focf_ayr5cagr]

This is the compound annual growth rate of Free Operating Cash Flow over the last 5 years. Free Operating Cash Flow is calculated as Cash From Operations minus Capital Expenditures and Dividends Paid. NOTE: If the value for either the most recent year or the oldest year is zero or negative, the growth rate cannot be calculated, a 'NA' (Not Available) code will be used.

Free Operating Cash Flow/Revenue, 5 Year Average [focf2rev_aavg5]

This value represents the average Annual Free Operating Cash Flow for the last 5 years divided by the average of the Annual Total Revenue for the same period, expressed as a percent. Free Operating Cash Flow is calculated as Cash From Operations minus Capital Expenditures and Dividends Paid. Total Revenue represents revenue from all of a company's operating activities after deducting any sales adjustments and their equivalents.

Free Operating Cash Flow/Revenue [focf2rev_ttm]

This ratio is calculated by dividing Free Operating Cash Flow for the recent trailing twelve months by Total Revenue for the same period and is expressed as percent. Free Operating Cash Flow is calculated as Cash From Operations minus Capital Expenditures and Dividends Paid. Total Revenue represents revenue from all of a company's operating activities after deducting any sales adjustments and their equivalents.

Gross Margin, 5 year average [grosmgn5yr]

This value is calculated by first determining the Gross Margin for each of the 5 most recent fiscal years and then averaging the values. Gross Margin is Total Revenue minus Cost of Goods Sold divided by Total Revenue and is expressed as a percentage. NOTE: This item is only available for Industrial and Utility companies.

Net Profit Margin, 5 year average [margin5yr]

This value is calculated by first determining the Net Profit Margin for each of the 5 most recent fiscal years and then averaging the values. Net Profit Margin is the Income After Taxes divided by Total Revenue, expressed as a percentage.

Market capitalization, includes all classes of securities/listings [mktcap]

This value is calculated by multiplying the current Price by the current number of Shares Outstanding.

Net Debt [netdebt_a]

This value is the sum of all short term debt, and notes payables, Long Term debt and preferred equity minus the total cash and equivalents and short term investments for the most recent annual period. NOTE: This item is reported only for Industrial, Utility & Banking companies.

Net Debt [netdebt_i]

This value is the sum of all short term debt, and notes payables, Long Term debt and preferred equity minus the total cash and equivalents and short term investments for the most recent interim period. NOTE: This item is reported only for Industrial, Utility & Banking companies.

Net Profit Margin growth rate, 5 year CAGR [npmtrendgr]

This is the compound annual growth rate in Profit Margin over the last 5 years. Profit Margin, also known as Return on Sales, is the Income After Taxes divided by Total Revenue and is expressed as a percentage. NOTE: If the value for either the most recent year of the oldest year is zero or negative, the ratio in not calculated and a 'NA' (Not Available) code will be used.

Operating Margin, 5 year average [opmgn5yr]

This value measures the percent of revenues remaining after paying all operating expenses. It is calculated by first determining the Operating Margin for each of the last 5 fiscal years and then averaging the values. Operating Margin is defined as Operating Income divided by Total Revenue and expressed as a percentage.

P/E Basic excluding extraordinary items, trailing 12 months [pebexclxor]

This ratio is calculated by dividing the current Price by the sum of the Basic Earnings Per Share from continuing operations BEFORE Extraordinary Items and Accounting Changes over the last four quarters.

Price-to-Earnings Ratio (P/E) excluding extraordinary items, trailing 12 months [peexclxor]

This ratio is calculated by dividing the current Price by the sum of the Diluted Earnings Per Share from continuing operations BEFORE Extraordinary Items and Accounting Changes over the last four interim periods.

P/E including extraordinary items, trailing 12 months [peinclxor]

This ratio is calculated by dividing the current Price by the sum of the Diluted Earnings Per Share including discontinued operations AFTER Extraordinary Items and Accounting Changes over the last four interim periods.

Price to Tangible Book, most recent quarter [pr2tanbk]

This is the Current Price divided by the latest interim Tangible Book Value Per Share. Tangible Book Value Per Share is defined as Book Value minus Goodwill and Intangible Assets divided by the Shares Outstanding at the end of the interim period.

Price to Book, most recent quarter [price2bk]

This is the Current Price divided by the latest interim period Book Value Per Share. Book Value is the total shareholders' equity excluding minority interests.

Pretax Margin, 5 year average [ptmgn5yr]

This value is calculated by determining the Pretax Margin for each of the 5 most recent fiscal years and averaging the values. Pretax Margin is defined as the Income Before Taxes divided by the Total Revenue.

Book value (total equity) per Share [qbvps]

This is defined as total shareholders' equity divided by the Shares Outstanding at the end of the most recent interim period. Book Value is the total shareholders' equity excluding minority interests.

Cash per Share [qcshps]

This is the Total Cash plus Short Term Investments divided by the Shares Outstanding at the end of the most recent interim period. NOTE: This does NOT include cash equivalents that may be reported under long term assets.

Current ratio [qcurratio]

This is the ratio of Total Current Assets for the most recent interim period divided by Total Current Liabilities for the same period. NOTE: This item is Not Available (NA) for Banks, Insurance companies and other companies that do not distinguish between current and long term assets and liabilities.

Long Term debt/equity ratio [qltd2eq]

This ratio is the Total Long Term Debt for the most recent interim period divided by Total Shareholder Equity for the same period.

Quick ratio [qquickrati]

"The Quick Ratio, also known as the Acid Test Ratio, is defined as Total Current Assets minus Total Inventory for the most recent interim period divided by the Total Current Liabilities for the same period. NOTE: This item is Not Available (NA) for Banks, Insurance companies and other companies that do not distinguish between current and long term assets and liabilities.

Book value (tangible) per Share [qtanbvps]

This is the interim Tangible Book Value divided by the Shares Outstanding at the end of the most recent interim period. Tangible Book Value is the Book Value minus Goodwill and Intangible Assets for the same period.

Total debt/total equity ratio [qtotd2eq]

This ratio is Total Debt for the most recent interim period divided by Total Shareholder Equity for the same period. NOTE: This is Not Meaningful (NM) for banks.

Revenue Change %, most recent quarter vs 1 year ago [revchngyr]

This value is calculated as the most recent interim period Sales minus the Sales for the same interim period 1 year ago divided by the Sales for the same interim period one year ago, multiplied by 100.

Revenue growth rate, 3 year CAGR [revgrpct]

The Revenue Growth Rate is the compound annual growth rate of Revenue Per Share. REVGR% is calculated for 3 years whenever 4 years of Revenue are available and the Revenues are positive. If the required 4 years are not available for any given company, the result is a NM (Not Meaningful) or a NA (Not Available) depending on the condition.

Revenue per Share growth rate, 5 yr CAGR [revps5ygr]

This growth rate is the compound annual growth rate of Sales Per Share over the last 5 years. NOTE: If the value for either the most recent year or the oldest year is zero or negative, the ratio cannot be calculated and a 'NA' (Not Available) code will be used.

Revenue growth rate, 5 year CAGR [revtrendgr]

The Five Year Revenue Growth Rate is the annual compounded growth rate of Revenues over the last 5 years.

Total Debt growth rate, 5 Year CAGR [stld_ayr5cagr]

This growth rate is the compound annual growth rate of Total Debt over the last 5 years. NOTE: If the value for either the most recent year or the oldest year is zero or negative, the growth rate cannot be calculated, a 'NA' (Not Available) code will be used. Total Debt is the sum of Short Term Debt, the Current Portion of Long Term Debt and Capitalized Lease Obligations, Long Term Debt and Capitalized Lease Obligations for the same period.

Tangible Book Value (Total Equity) growth rate, 5 Year CAGR [tanbv_ayr5cagr]

This growth rate is the compound annual growth rate of Tangible Book Value over the last 5 years. NOTE: If the value for either the most recent year or the oldest year is zero or negative, the growth rate cannot be calculated, a 'NA' (Not Available) code will be used. Tangible Book Value is the Book Value minus Goodwill and Intangible Assets for the same period.

Asset turnover [ttmastturn]

This value is calculated as the Total Revenues for the trailing twelve months divided by the Average Total Assets. The Average Total Assets is defined as the Total Assets for the 5 most recent quarters divided by 5. NOTE: This ratio is Not Meaningful (NM) for Banks and Insurance companies.

EPS Basic excluding extraordinary items [ttmbepsxcl]

This is the Adjusted Income Available to Common Stockholders for the trailing twelve months divided by the trailing twelve month Basic Weighted Average Shares Outstanding.

Cash Flow per Share [ttmcfshr]

This value is the trailing twelve month Cash Flow divided by the trailing twelve month Average Shares Outstanding. Cash Flow is defined as the sum of Income After Taxes minus Preferred Dividends and General Partner Distributions plus Depreciation, Depletion and Amortization.

Ordinary Dividends per Share [ttmdivshr]

This value is the sum of the ordinary (regular) Dividends per share to which common shareholders were entitled for the trailing twelve months. The calculation references entitlement dates rather than paid dates and the look-back period is allowed to extend beyond exactly 12 months where it accommodates slight variations to a regular dividend schedule. The amounts per share are normalized to account for subsequent share splits and reverse splits but not for other dilution factors.

Ordinary Dividends per Share (fully adjusted) [ttmdivshradj]

This value is the sum of the ordinary (regular) Dividends per share to which common shareholders were entitled for the last twelve months. The calculation references entitlement dates rather than paid dates and the look-back period is allowed to extend beyond exactly 12 months where it accommodates slight variations to a regular dividend schedule. The amounts per share are normalized to account for subsequent share splits and reverse splits and all other dilution factors.

Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation (EBITD) [ttmebitd]

Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization (EBITDA) is EBIT for the trailing twelve months plus the same period's Depreciation and Amortization expenses (from the Statement of Cash Flows). NOTE: This item is only available for Industrial and Utility companies.

EBITD per Share [ttmebitdps]

EBITD Per Share is the trailing twelve month EBITD divided by the Average Shares Outstanding for the same period. EBITD is EBIT plus Depreciation and Amortization expenses (from the Statement of Cash Flows). NOTE: This item is not available for Banks and Insurance companies.

Earnings before taxes [ttmebt]

Also known as Pretax Income and Earnings Before Taxes, this is Total Revenue for the most recent TTM period minus Total Expenses plus Non-operating Income (Expenses) for the same period.

EPS Change %, TTM over TTM [ttmepschg]

This is the percent change in the trailing twelve month EPS as compared to the same trailing twelve month period one year ago. It is calculated as the trailing twelve month EPS minus the trailing twelve month EPS one year ago divided by the absolute value of the trailing twelve month EPS one year ago, multiplied by 100.

EPS including extraordinary items [ttmepsincx]

This is the Adjusted Income Available to Common Stockholders for the trailing twelve months plus Discontinued Operations, Extraordinary Items, and Cumulative Effect of Accounting Changes for the same period divided by the trailing twelve month Diluted Weighted Average Shares Outstanding.

EPS excluding extraordinary items [ttmepsxclx]

This is the Adjusted Income Available to Common Stockholders for the trailing twelve months divided by the trailing twelve month Diluted Weighted Average Shares Outstanding.

Free Cash Flow [ttmfcf]

This value is calculated from the Quarterly Statement of Cash Flows. It is calculated as the TTM Cash From Operations minus Capital Expenditures and Dividends Paid for the same period.

Free Cash Flow per Share [ttmfcfshr]

This is the trailing twelve month Free Cash Flow divided by the trailing twelve month Average Shares Outstanding found on the Income Statement.

Gross Margin [ttmgrosmgn]

This value measures the percent of revenue left after paying all direct production expenses. It is calculated as the trailing 12 months Total Revenue minus the trailing 12 months Cost of Goods Sold divided by the trailing 12 months Total Revenue and multiplied by 100. NOTE: This item is only available for Industrial and Utility companies.

Net Interest coverage [ttmintcov]

Also known as Times Interest Earned, this is the ratio of Earnings Before Interest and Taxes for the trailing twelve months divided by the trailing twelve month Interest Expense. NOTE: This item is not meaningful for Banks and Insurance companies.

Inventory turnover [ttminvturn]

This value measures how quickly the Inventory is sold. It is defined as Cost of Goods Sold for the trailing twelve months divided by Average Inventory. Average Inventory is calculated by adding the Inventory for the 5 most recent quarters and dividing by 5. NOTE: This value is Not Meaningful (NM) for Banks and Insurance companies.

Net Income accruing to common shares for dividends and retained earnings [ttmniac]

This is the trailing twelve month dollar amount accruing to common shareholders for dividends and retained earnings. Income Available to Common Shareholders is calculated as trailing twelve month Income After Taxes plus Minority Interest and Equity in Affiliates plus Preferred Dividends, General Partner Distributions and US GAAP Adjustments. NOTE: Any adjustment that is negative (ie. Preferred Stock Dividends) would be subtracted from Income After Taxes.

Net Income/employee [ttmniperem]

This value is the Income After Taxes for the trailing twelve months divided by the number of employees at the end of the last reported fiscal year.

Net Profit Margin % [ttmnpmgn]

Also known as Return on Sales, this value is the Income After Taxes for the trailing twelve months divided by Total Revenue for the same period and is expressed as a percentage. NOTE: Most Banks and Finance companies do not report revenues when they announce their preliminary quarterly financial results in the press. When this happens, the trailing twelve month value will not be available (NA).

Operating margin [ttmopmgn]

This value measures the percent of revenues remaining after paying all operating expenses. It is calculated as the trailing 12 months Operating Income divided by the trailing 12 months Total Revenue, multiplied by 100. Operating Income is defined as Total Revenue minus Total Operating Expenses.

Payout ratio [ttmpayrat]

This ratio is the percentage of the Primary/Basic Earnings Per Share Excluding Extraordinary Items paid to common stockholders in the form of cash dividends during the trailing twelve months.

P/E excluding extraordinary items high, trailing 12 months [ttmpehigh]

The P/E Ratio for each of the 12 months included in the latest trailing twelve month period is calculated using the month end Prices divided by the latest TTM Earnings Per Share (EPS) Excluding Extraordinary Items. The highest of these 12 P/E values is the TTM High Price Earnings Ratio.

P/E excluding extraordinary items low, trailing 12 months [ttmpelow]

The P/E Ratio for each of the 12 months included in the latest trailing twelve month period is calculated using the month end Prices divided by the latest TTM Earnings Per Share (EPS) Excluding Extraordinary Items. The lowest of these 12 P/E values is the TTM High Price Earnings Ratio.

Price to sales, trailing 12 month [ttmpr2rev]

This is the current Price divided by the Sales Per Share for the trailing twelve months. If there is a preliminary earnings announcement for an interim period that has recently ended, the revenue (sales) values from this announcement will be used in calculating the trailing twelve month revenue per share. NOTE: Most Banks and Finance companies do not report revenues when they announce their preliminary interim financial results in the press. When this happens, the trailing twelve month values will not be available (NA) until the complete interim filing is released.

Price to Cash Flow per Share, trailing 12 month [ttmprcfps]

This is the current Price divided by Cash Flow Per Share for the trailing twelve months. Cash Flow is defined as Income After Taxes minus Preferred Dividends and General Partner Distributions plus Depreciation, Depletion and Amortization.

Price to Free Cash Flow per Share, trailing 12 months [ttmprfcfps]

This is the current Price divided by the trailing twelve month Free Cash Flow Per Share. Free Cash Flow is calculated from the Statement of Cash Flows as Cash From Operations minus Capital Expenditures and Dividends Paid.

Pretax margin [ttmptmgn]

This value represents the trailing twelve month Income Before Taxes expressed as a percent of Total Revenue for the same period.

Receivables turnover [ttmrecturn]

This is the ratio of Total Revenue for the trailing twelve months divided by Average Accounts Receivables. Average Receivables is calculated by adding the Accounts Receivables for the 5 most recent quarters and dividing by 5. NOTE: This item is Not Meaningful (NM) for Banks.

Revenue [ttmrev]

This is the sum of all revenue (sales) reported for all operating divisions for the most recent TTM period. NOTE: Most banks and Insurance companies do not report revenues when they announce their preliminary quarterly financial results in the press. When this happens, the quarterly value will not be available (NA).

Revenue Change %, TTM over TTM [ttmrevchg]

This is the percent change in the trailing twelve month Sales as compared to the same trailing twelve month period one year ago. It is calculated as the trailing twelve month Sales minus the trailing twelve month Sales one year ago divided by the trailing twelve month Sales one year ago, multiplied by 100.

Revenue/employee [ttmrevpere]

This value is the trailing twelve month Total Sales divided by the number of Employees at the end of the last reported fiscal year.

Revenue per share [ttmrevps]

This value is the trailing twelve month Total Revenue divided by the Average Diluted Shares Outstanding for the trailing twelve months. NOTE: Most Banks and Insurance companies do not report revenues when they announce their preliminary quarterly financial results in the press. When this happens, the trailing twelve month values will not be available (NA).

Return on average assets [ttmroapct]

This value is the Income After Taxes for the trailing twelve months divided by the Average Total Assets, expressed as a percentage. Average Total Assets is calculated by adding the Total Assets for the 5 most recent quarters and dividing by 5.

Return on average equity [ttmroepct]

This value is the Income Available to Common Stockholders for the trailing twelve months divided by the Average Common Equity and is expressed as a percentage. Average Common Equity is calculated by adding the Common Equity for the 5 most recent quarters and dividing by 5.

Return on investment [ttmroipct]

This value is the trailing twelve month Income After Taxes divided by the average Total Long Term Debt, Other Long Term Liabilities and Shareholders Equity, expressed as a percentage.

Earnings per Share (EPS), Normalized, Excluding Extraordinary Items, Avg. Diluted Shares Outstanding [vdes_ttm]

Diluted Normalized EPS represents Normalized Income Available to Common adjusted for Dilution Adjustment divided by Diluted Weighted Average Shares for the most recent trailing twelve months.

Ordinary Dividend Yield, 5 Year Average [yld5yavg]

This value is the average of the dividend yield over the last 60 months.